02 July 2009

So tonight I bought some art by a fantastic artist by the name of Barbara Combs, and the proceeds goes to my church; so everyone was blessed all the way around.

I absolutely love Barbara's pieces. Her work varies, from the most simplest of concepts to some of the most dynamic. But even in the times when her work appears on the surface as a simple oil painting, watercolor, etc I have found that when you look with your spiritual eyes her work has a tendency to just shake you to the core at times.

The result of me buying a few of her pieces was due to a wonderful night spent at our family dinner at church. It... was... a.... BLAST! Between the food, the fellowship, and the uhm... friendly... competition during the art auction -- I couldn't have asked for a better time!!

Tonight reminded me that God continues to bless my socks off; and I can't help but sit here and just reflect on what an amazing Father I have. It never seizes to amaze me the things He does for me. In the mist of the craziest, most tumultuous time in my life, God has continued to put a smile on my face.

I bask in His greatness... I truly do.

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